#Add a user
sudo adduser USER_NAME
#Delete a user
sudo deluser USER_NAME
#Change user password
sudo passwd USER_NAME
#Changes user fullname, office number, office extension, and home phone number information.
sudo chfn USER_NAME
#Display user information
finger USER_NAME
#Temporarily prevent a user from logging in
sudo usermod -L USER_NAME
#Revoke the operation above
sudo usermod -U USER_NAME
#Add a user to admin group
sudo usermod -G admin -a USER_NAME
#Clear Bash history
history -c
#Display Linux distributor's ID
lsb_release -is
#Display Linux release number
lsb_release -rs
#Display Linux code name
lsb_release -cs
#Display machine hardware name
uname -m
#List all PCI devices, such as display card and ethernet card.
#Reclaim memory which stores pagecache, dentries and inodes
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
#Display a list of modules in the Linux Kernel
#List USB devices
lsusb -v
#Display the status of ethernet card
sudo ethtool eth0
#List hardware
sudo lshw
#List harddisk partitions
sudo fdisk -l
#Display SATA harddisk parameters
sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda
#Display disk space usage
df -h
#Display file/folder space usage
#Display amount of free and used memory
ps -e
#Display a tree of processes
#Display processes dynamically
#Terminate a process with a given process id
sudo kill -9 PROCESS_ID
#Terminate all processes with a given name
sudo killall PROCESS_NAME
#List files which are opened by a given process
lsof -p PROCESS_ID
#List processes which opened a given file
lsof -i :80
#Configure an ADSL connection
sudo pppoeconf
#Starts up ADSL connections
sudo pon
#Shuts down ADSL connections
sudo poff
#Display MAC of a given IP address
#Display NetBIOS name of a givdn IP address
nmblookup -A IP_ADDRESS
#Display IP address and MAC
ifconfig -a
#Display route
netstat -rn
#Set MAC of ethernet interface
sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
#Display information of a domain name
whois example.com
#Display the network path to a given host
tracepath example.com
#Request an IP address from DHCP server
sudo dhclient
#Temporarily restart an init script
sudo /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME restart
#Temporarily stop an init script
sudo /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME stop
#Set the HTTP proxy
export http_proxy=http://PROXY.DOMAIN.NAME:PORT
#Modify the information displayed after logging insudo vim /etc/motd.tail
#Choose the input method for X Window
im-switch -c
#Convert the file name from GBK to UTF8
convmv -r -f gbk -t utf8 --notest FILE_NAME
#Convert the file content from GBK to UTF8
iconv -f gbk -t utf8 FILE_NAME
#Convert tags in '*.mp3' from GBK to UTF8
find . -name '*.mp3' -execdir mid3iconv -e GBK {} \;
#Read a long file
#Display a list of file name. The files contain a given string.
#Display all '.txt' file
find . -name '*.txt'
touch file_name_1 file_name_2
#Create directory. Create parent directories as needed.
mkdir -p /tmp/a/b/c/d/e
#Change working directory to the home folder
#Change working directory to the previous working directory
cd -
#Display hidden files
ls -a
#Copy directory. Preserve links, file mode, ownership, timestamps.
#Determine file type
#Output the last 6 lines
tail -n 6 FILE_NAME
#Rename '*.rm' files to '*.rmvb' filesrename 's/.rm$/.rmvb/' *
#Change the file name to lowercaserename 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' *
#Display subdirectories in current directory
ls -d */.
#Display file number in current directoryls . | wc -w
#Extract "*.gz" file
gunzip FILE_NAME.gz
#Extract "*.tar.gz" file
tar zxf FILE_NAME.tar.gz
#Extract "*.tar.bz2" filetar jxf FILE_NAME.tar.bz2
#Do compressiontar czf FILE_NAME.tar.gz FILE1 FILE2 FILE3
tar cjf FILE_NAME.tar.bz2 FILE1 FILE2 FILE3
#Displays a calendar
#Set the date and time via NTPsudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com
#Poweroff your computer
sudo haltsudo shutdown -h now
- Poweroff your computer in 23:00
sudo shutdown -h 23:00
- Poweroff your computer after 60 minutes
sudo shutdown -h +60
#Reboot your computersudo rebootsudo shutdown -r now
If you want some program to start up automatically, please put '.desktop' files into '~/.config/autostart'
You can configure "preferred applications" by this file "~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list"#Continuously monitor the memory usage
watch -d free
#Display HTTP HEAD responsew3m -dump_head http://example.com
#Display file content with line numbernl FILE_NAME
#Eliminate Rootkitsudo rkhunter --checkall
#Change hostnamesudo hostname new_name
#"Tasksel" group software packages into "task"s. You can select a "task" and then install all necessary software packages. It is easy to set up LAMP servers or cloud computing servers.Show all tasks
tasksel --list
Display the extended description of a task
tasksel --task-desc lamp-server
List the packages which are parts of a task
tasksel --task-packages lamp-server
Install/remove a task
gksudo tasksel
#Change Process priorityrenice NEW_PRIORITY `pgrep NAME_OF_PROCESS`
tasksel --task-packages lamp-server
Install/remove a task
gksudo tasksel
#Change Process priorityrenice NEW_PRIORITY `pgrep NAME_OF_PROCESS`
example: renice 5 `pgrep firefox`
renice -5 `pgrep wine-server`
high <------------------> low
NEW_PRIORITY = -19, -18, -17 [...] 18, 19, 20
#~/.thumbnails/ directory is a cache dir GNOME makes when you browse through your folders in nautilus.It contains thumbnail pictures of picture files you've previously looked at.You can get its total size by
du -bs ~/.thumbnails/
#You can delete the files in the .thumbnails directory that haven't been accessed for seven days, to free disk space.find ~/.thumbnails/ -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;
#Capture screen after 10 seconds
gnome-screenshot -d 10
Capture current window after 10 seconds
gnome-screenshot -wd 10
#Start GConf editor:Press Alt+F2, type 'gconf-editor'.
#Set apt sourcesudo software-properties-gtk
sudo software-properties-kde
#Display the packages which are not installed but have remained residual configdpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ {print $2}'
#Add a PPA repository:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:PPA-REPOSITORY-NAME
#Display a list of files. The files are installed from a given package.
#Display a list of packages. The packages installed a given file.
#Display a list of packages. The name of packages matches given regex pattern.
apt-cache search REG_EXPRESSION
#Display a list of packages. The packages provide a given file.apt-file search FILE_NAME
#Display a list of packages. The given package depends on the list of packages.
apt-cache depends PACKAGE_NAME
#Display a list of packages. These packages depend on the given package.
apt-cache rdepends PACKAGE_NAME
#Prompt for a disk to be inserted and then add the disc to the source list.sudo apt-cdrom add
#Install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system.
sudo apt-get upgrade
#Delete residual package configuration files.
dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P
#Automatically install necessary files for './configure ; make ; make install'
sudo auto-apt run ./configure
#Save the list of packages currently installed on your system.dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > SOME_FILE
Then use the file to restore packages.
dpkg --set-selections < SOME_FILE ; sudo dselect
renice -5 `pgrep wine-server`
high <------------------> low
NEW_PRIORITY = -19, -18, -17 [...] 18, 19, 20
#~/.thumbnails/ directory is a cache dir GNOME makes when you browse through your folders in nautilus.It contains thumbnail pictures of picture files you've previously looked at.You can get its total size by
du -bs ~/.thumbnails/
#You can delete the files in the .thumbnails directory that haven't been accessed for seven days, to free disk space.find ~/.thumbnails/ -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;
#Capture screen after 10 seconds
gnome-screenshot -d 10
Capture current window after 10 seconds
gnome-screenshot -wd 10
#Start GConf editor:Press Alt+F2, type 'gconf-editor'.
#Set apt sourcesudo software-properties-gtk
sudo software-properties-kde
#Display the packages which are not installed but have remained residual configdpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ {print $2}'
#Add a PPA repository:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:PPA-REPOSITORY-NAME
#Display a list of files. The files are installed from a given package.
#Display a list of packages. The packages installed a given file.
#Display a list of packages. The name of packages matches given regex pattern.
apt-cache search REG_EXPRESSION
#Display a list of packages. The packages provide a given file.apt-file search FILE_NAME
#Display a list of packages. The given package depends on the list of packages.
apt-cache depends PACKAGE_NAME
#Display a list of packages. These packages depend on the given package.
apt-cache rdepends PACKAGE_NAME
#Prompt for a disk to be inserted and then add the disc to the source list.sudo apt-cdrom add
#Install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system.
sudo apt-get upgrade
#Delete residual package configuration files.
dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P
#Automatically install necessary files for './configure ; make ; make install'
sudo auto-apt run ./configure
#Save the list of packages currently installed on your system.dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > SOME_FILE
Then use the file to restore packages.
dpkg --set-selections < SOME_FILE ; sudo dselect
#After running "sudo apt-get install", "*.deb" files are stored in "/var/cache/apt/archives"
You can clean this directory by:
sudo apt-get clean
#Display URL for a given package
apt-get -qq --print-uris install PACKAGE_NAME
#Display some statistics about the apt cacheapt-cache stats
#Display all package nameapt-cache pkgnames
#Display some information of a given packageapt-cache show PACKAGE_NAME
You can clean this directory by:
sudo apt-get clean
#Display URL for a given package
apt-get -qq --print-uris install PACKAGE_NAME
#Display some statistics about the apt cacheapt-cache stats
#Display all package nameapt-cache pkgnames
#Display some information of a given packageapt-cache show PACKAGE_NAME
sumber : Ayo belajar linux
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